Before I had a CD i used to listen cassettes in the radio. I liked a lot to groups like Molotov, then I was like 8 years old and my first Cassette was "Donde jugaron las niñas". My first CD was a gift from my brother Rodrigo, it was "The dark side of the moon" by the british band "Pink Floyd". It was in my 12 years old birthday.
In that moment I didn't understand that music too much, it sounded too weird for me. Anyway it started to change the way i saw the music, not only as a "melody with rythm", but as a complex art filled with different emotions and intentions, with different ways to express it, lyric content and a different way to understand the sound. Actually i love to Pink Floyd, i think they are creators of a new path, mixing several art tendencies (surrealist, impresionist, realist, and so on) and styles with music, lyric and graphic expression, all in one scene.
The songs i like best of this album are: "Breathe", "Money" and "Time". Maybe are the most melodical song, but they have an awesome content too, talking about greed, illness, the meaning of life, aging and so on.
My favourite album of Pink Floyd is "The wall". They talk about the power abuse, the war, the economic systems, the meaning of life, and how the man is abused and teached to follow a way that doesn't allow any diversity or freedom: the way that the boss, the general, the president and the jerarchys want you to do. I like it because it shows how life is a lot wider than the "Progress" idea that drive us to war.