My best holiday in the life was the one that i mentioned in "My favourite field trip" post. But now i will not mention the first part of the holiday - when i was in LafkenMapu- (even it's part of my best holiday, i don't mention it because it could be too reiterative). It was in the last January to half February of 2010.
Fabian and me triped from Lafken Mapu to Puerto Montt making car ride and taking local bus. In the road we saw wonderfull landscapes of the coast: Mehuín, Queule, Tolten, and so on. In Puerto Montt we met Carlos "el furby" and Christian "el cabro loco". The next day we go to Puerto Varas, in Lago Llanquihue. Then to Saltos del Petrohué with a venezuelan family who take us to there. The next day we go to the town of Puelo (we walked beside the Reloncaví) , we stayed the night in a lonely parcel and a huge bull frightened us and throwed us out from there at midnight. So we had to sleep beside the road. The next day we went to tagua tagua lake, there was raining hard and by miracle we found a deserted house to camp in. The next days we saw and made lots of things: Go to Llanada Grande, go to traditional fests, to the Blue Lake... go back to Puerto Montt and then go to Chiloé: a semi-friend of Carlos helped us in there to be "under roof". We was in Ancud, Castro fest, Ahui beach and so on.
I did lots of things with my friends, so this holiday is unforgettable, i learned lots of things and i wait and hope to do it again!!
My favourite place it´s Llanquihue Lake!