Monday, December 5, 2011

My neighborhood

I have to say that i dont know too much about my neighborhood, and in my mind it’s basically the Street where i live –a small dead-end street called Manuel Sanchez, in Macul-. So, my street was a quiet place, with leafy trees, few cars, big houses and a small square at the end of the street –with many trees, bushes and grass-. Between my neighbors we used to say hello in the street and to be kind. I had like 5 friends in my street: Nicolás, Damián, Andrés, Francisco and Francisco –another one-. We used to play a lot in the street: soccer, tennis, water war, “25”, skate and so on. But one day, in 2007, a proprietary developer saw in my street the perfect place to maximize his benefits, the mayor (Puyol) saw the opportunity of increase the town people density and by this, increase other kind of capital inversions (Market rules) and also he saw in this the opportunity to bring to the people a “best service”, because the municipality is not more an organization statement: is a service provider and we are not neighbors anymore, now we are “USERS”. They called it progress. So, the building started its construction phase and my friends “across the street” went to other places in the city (the 2 Francisco, Andrés and Nicolás). Their parents sold their overprized houses, so, now they can live in Ñuñoa and “high” Peñalolén, because, as the municipality, their parents looked after progress. Today in my street, there is a 22 floors building with dozens of families. Today we don’t salute in the streets and there isn’t respect –because we are many person, many faces in the little street and some mother fuckers feel moral un-punishment in the anonymity-. My father lost his car –robbed from the pavement of my house), his laptop –Robbed from the house- and other items. So, we’ve progressed and we hope that with this, Manuel Sanchez will be a better place, like the other streets in which happened the same, lots of streets in Macul and Ñuñoa.
The propriety developer and the emprise says “Hey, the only law is the market law! The natural law of every man is to act and look after maximize his benefits! Jungle law!” And so… we are acting according to that. Some people thinks that this law will make progress, but it’s the progress of ones against others.
Ah, in other way, I live almost beside (but isolated) from a huge Hypermarket Lider® and some other surviving markets: Bazar, Hardware store, butcher’s and so on.

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